Rubiks Pocket Cube 3x3


A fully functional stickered Rubik’s 3×3 Cube that you can take with you wherever you go. It may be smaller in size, but the challenge is just as big!

The Rubik’s Cube features six different coloured sides, each made up of nine squares. Once the faces are scrambled up, you are going to need to twist, turn and rotate the Rubik’s Cube until each of the six faces has only one colour. This original Cube has 43,252,003,27­4,489,856,000 com­binations, but only one solution. Do you have what it takes to solve the world’s favourite puzzle?


  • Pocket-Sized Edition
  • A fully functional Rubik’s 3×3 Cube, that you can take with you wherever you go!
  • It may be smaller in size, but the challenge is just as big!

Ages 6+